Thursday, October 29, 2015

Final 5 points (Lecture Response)

This will be less of a lecture response and more of an all-encompassing view of what we've talked about. Magazines, radio, TV, movies, and now the internet. Each one rises and then falls, for the next thing to come along. Along the way, all of them demassified in little ways and gained neat little innovations.  Full page color pictures in magazines and newspapers, 3D TVs, DirecTV, 3D Movies, and it goes on. No matter how many innovations to a media there are, however, they always lose their popularity over time. They never ever go extinct, they always exist, just not at the rate of when they were at their prime. Vinyl is something that'd be cool if it was still really popular, because the sound quality is better than that of digital songs. Fashion styles from previous generations are cool too, but of course everything is labeled "retro" these days. I'm not even sure if I'm being that coherent with my points anymore, so this is it.

Few Minutes L8888 (TV SPOT 2)

In addition to being mostly dumb local crime for the news, the news is also suspiciously short for the half hour the spot is supposed to fill. I timed it once, and there was only 17 minutes of news and the rest was sports and weather and commercials. So only roughly half the news is actually news. And the news itself isn't really what you could call hard hitting reporting either. Instead of being really invested in the news, I find myself constantly checking the clock so I know how soon it will be before I can just stop watching. It's pretty boring to be honest, and I know news isn't supposed to be exciting, but it's not even the interesting type of news. It's just like, "Oh okay another crime story." We get it, crime exists in the world. Now onto something new and different. So, in addition to brushing up on their news quality, it seems like WLKY needs to brush up on the news QUANTITY as well! Y'all are really lacking.


I'm often very disappointed in WLKY and find it mostly unsatisfactory to watch for the simple reason that the so called news isn't really that important. What I mean is that most of the content reported is just local crime stories, and not one top story has been about anything that affected the whole world, AKA international news. Local news doesn't really affect anyone else other than who the story is actually about, with the exception of "local killer still on the loose" and that's never happened. Therefore, it's pointless to watch the local news because none of the stories affect anybody. You know? No big issues are being discussed. "Man accidentally walks off cliff" is not necessary information that will change your life, and that's a real example. Actually, there's been a running theme almost that the stories that are supposed to be gripping and terrifying just sound funny as heck. Like one story where a woman tried to release dogs on the police and another story where a body was found in a box. My TV group had a good laugh about that. There's an average of 15 TV stories, and crime has 10 in the slot most often than not, to me that's unacceptable. WLKY, pleaaassssseeee report stuff worthy of being reported about.

Lo (Lec Response)

On one very monumental day in 1969, a very important message was sent between two computers. It was going to be "login" but the connection broke and it just sent as "lo". This error when explained by Mr. Miller struck me as very humorous. The internet was originally created for military purposes but slowly became available for widespread public use. The internet is currently the top media and is at it's peak but its not out of the question to suggest that with the rate of technological improvements these days something will replace it in our lifetimes. I can't wait to see what that will be like. Guess we'll just have to wait and see...

Stay Tuned (Lecture Response)

The average tally for how much TV is watched a day is 7 hours among all the family members. The audio and the pictures are recorded separately and then the dialogue is synced up with the images, This is done to make the audio louder and more clear. TV is watched more than movies because it is omnipresent. Like any time of day you could turn on a channel and find something. At 3 in the morning programs aren't ideal though. That's because the best TV programs are put in time slots where lots of people can watch them. These spots also get the most ambitious advertisements.

Another Lecture Response another 5 Points MOVIE EDITION

Now in the digital age, watching movies at the theater is going by the wayside. Although people still go to the movies for the experience of being at the theater. For example, bigger screen, crowd reactions, movie theater popcorn, and of course seeing the silhouettes of the back of peoples heads. Going to the opening of the movie and the sound systems and big screen just puts you into a great immersive experience. People also use movies as inspirations for other movies and certain quotes can seep into popular culture. If the movie is popular it can make a song popular too. Since ticket sales have decreased recently because of the digital age, movies have to use more product placement which can affect the sales of those things too.

Golden Age of Radio (Lecture Response)

It's weird to think it took like 20 years for radio to even be recognized as a viable medium to use. Invented in 1892, and KDKA began in 1920. I actually kinda feel bad for Tesla, he was never seen as the genius he was in his lifetime. Though he's recognized now, he still lingers in the shadow of Edison. Anyway, a preacher tweaked the invention to be broadcast along multiple networks, and since he had the occupation he did its easy to see where he got the inspiration from. Not preaching, I am of course talking about how God transmitted the idea right to his brain. 10 years after the preacher revised the system, a station called Amrad broadcasted, one of the first to do so on a regular daily schedule. In 1922, there was 100,000 radios and by 1935 22 million homes had radios. This is whats called the golden age, which included the Hindenburg disaster and the infamous War of the Worlds prank.